Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Mane Problem.

The time has come to bash up Somdev.He thinks I'm always RUDE.He doesn't realise that he's getting back a taste of his own medicine.When was the last time anybody heard Somdev utter something decent and sensible? He is just plain ANNOYING!!!!
So all the pjs in this post are directed against Somdev.Or rather Ankit Arora(whose every sentence begins with.....vot else but vot!).
Ankit Arora claims that his dad is a big-shot and owns a potato factory.So i guess Ankit should change his surname from arora to "aluwalia".
A new kind of disease is spreading.It's affecting all those who are tired of Ankit Arora.It's called "Arora Borialis".
You shouldn't ask Somdev what school or college he went to.Rather ask him about the "alu"mni club he belongs to.
His mother ensures that he eats only food that is served in "alu"minium foil.
What is Somdev's favourite Rabindrasangeet?
"Alu amar,Alu ogo, Alui hridoy bhora...".
Somdev/Ankit would make a bad politician.Why you ask.Because everytime he goes campaigning, he's sure to create a "voterfall" i.e a fall in the no. of voters.
Somdev is insecure about his own looks.Each time he mentions the word "vot" ,he thinks about the number of warts on his own face.
When in Spain(I guess Ankit has enough money to go on these foreign holidays), Somdev will greet people, not by saying "Aloha" but by saying "Aluha!".
The furniture in Somdev's house gave rise to the word "couch potato".
Somdev must have been good at Geometry.He seems to be always on the look out for points.Other than "vot" or "tsk...tsk.." ,the only thing he can say is "And the point being?".He clearly isn't satisfied with human beings.He wants point beings.
There are far too many things that are wrong with Somdev Thakur.No one can help him.He's doomed.
My only advice would be -"Somdev, wear a cap!".Or rather a turban.Your mane doesn't suit you.It makes you look unmanly or should I say "unmanely".
I'd like to end with a crappy poem. This God, Who thinks he's the racoon lord/Is flawed!
PS. Arindam, I'm sorry if i've hurt ur feelings by being too critical of Somdev.But u've got to realise that he's not the best kind of boyfriend/girlfriend to have around.


Anonymous said...

so...moving on...

moplah wear a cap !!

Anonymous said... matter what u say...ur my money churning machine....i'll just encourage you....

here's a pj for u to chew on...

Q. What do you call a woman whose haircut looks like a mop ?
A. "Mop"lah

Magically Bored said...

Hahaha! This was a hilarious post to read!
Moplah, you rock!

cyber monkey said...

' he wants point-beings'

storyteller said...

This is too good!

sushovan said...

isnt it rather difficult to mane-tain such long hair??

rukmini said...

Dude, when in Spain, you say "Ola". When in HAWAII, you say "Aloha".
