Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Taming of the Shoe!

One of my friends cracked a pj about shoes today.I wasn't very happy with his answer.I realised I could have done a better job.And my mind was instantly flooded with a whole lot of poor shoe jokes(they are poor jokes about shoes and not jokes about poor shoes,incase you thought so!).Here are some of my brilliant inventions.
Q.What did one shoe say to another shoe?
Q.What did yet another shoe say to yet another shoe?
A."Buckle up,man!"
Q.What do you call a beautiful shoe?
Q.What sport do most shoes like?
A.Car racing,of course.After all they're all fans of Schumacher(Shoe-maker).
Q.If a shoe had a really pretty sister,what would he call her?
Q.What do you give a shoe when it's suffering from a bad cold?
A.Some nice,hot Shoop(soup).
Q.Why are the wives of most shoes unhappy?
A.Because their husbands force them to live on a shoe-string budget!
Q.Why are shoes fond of the Backstreet Boys?
A.Because they wrote a song in their honour."Shoo me the meaning of feeling lonely....".
Q.What shoes must you be on the look out for?
A."Sneakers".They tend to be sneaky.
Q.And lastly(I have to crack this one!)my patent shoe joke.What worries a corrupted shoe?
A.The fact that it's lost it's soul/sole!
Shoo-kriya for having tolerated these pjs.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


This post is about completely random pjs.So far all the posts have had an over-arching theme to them.But i've not been at my creative best during the past month or so, probably due to general sense of lethargy that seems to creep in during the monsoon months. I haven't found any one topicon which i can go on cracking pjs.So u've now got settle for a bunch of pjs which have no link with one another.
1.What did the chef tell his apprentice after tasting the English pudding made by the apprentice?
A: Its a ''trifle" short of my expectations.
2.What do you call a family where all the members are good at making atom bombs?
A: A nuclear family!
3.What would make for a good JUDE loo poster?
A: One with a picture of a urinal and a heading that says "'Pisciculture".
4.Which is the one book you must pick up at a mall bookstore?
A: ''Moll" Flanders!
5.What did one tree say to another tree?
A: It's high time this family business ''branched" out!.By the way, trees don't like early breakfasts.They prefer "branches"(brunches).
6.What games should you play when you are feeling bored ?
A: Board games!
7.What is Amitabh Bachhan's favourite film?
A: Amar prem.
8.What do you call the father of all bags?
A: Baghdad(Has to be spoken in Bush isshtyle!).
9. What are all the conversations on the JUDE ledge about?
A: Legitimate matters!
10.For what should the workers of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation be given an award?
A: For their path-breaking achievements!
I guess that's enough random stuff for one day!